Corona Borealis?
This is a wordplay performance. By the means of matter that runs alongside and inside humans I encourage man to choose positive vitalism. The Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis, are a luminous phenomenon. Appearing in different colours and shapes, Corona Borealis is an extremely rare constellation in the Northern Celestial Hemisphere. Its stars form a mysterious arc and arise when electrically charged particles of the solar wind from the magnetosphere hit atoms in the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere and ionize them. There are countless legends trying to explain the meaning of Northern Lights. According to some of them it is believed that a human conceived under the Northern Lights will be blessed with good fortune for the duration of its life. My performance contains footage of coronavirus translated into music. With kind permission of Markus J. Buehler from Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
“While we cannot see small nanoscopic objects like proteins or other molecules that make up virtually all living matter including our cells, tissues, as well as pathogens such as viruses, our computational algorithm allows us to make its material manifestation audible. This piece is a musical representation of the amino acid sequence and structure of the spike protein of the pathogen of COVID-19, 2019-nCoV.”
Corona Borealis?, Videoperformance, 2,41 min., 2020